
Single application instance

I needed my app to be a single-instance app. It was easy to implement, like so: bool mutexIsNew; Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "SomeUniqueID", out mutexIsNew); if (mutexIsNew) Application.Run(new MainForm()); A problem arose though when my app started to need to receive command line arguments. How do you also pass those onto the original app? There is a class for this purpose named "WindowsFormsApplicationBase", it's in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll 01: Add a class to your project like so: internal class SingleInstanceApplication : WindowsFormsApplicationBase { private MainForm MainFormInstance; internal SingleInstanceApplication() { IsSingleInstance = true; EnableVisualStyles = true; MainFormInstance = new MainForm(); MainForm = MainFormInstance; } protected override bool OnStartup(StartupEventArgs eventArgs) { return base.OnStartup(eventArgs); MainFormInstance.AcceptCommandArguments(eventArgs.CommandLine); } protected o

ExternalID is not related to ECO_TYPE

I just thought I'd blog about this because it seems to be causing some confusion. ECO_TYPE Use: In integer used in the database to identify the type of object a table row represents. Obtained from: The ECO_TYPE table using the name of the class. Life span: Permanent. The name of the class in ECO_TYPE changes when you rename your class, but the integer value never changes. ExternalId Use: A way of identifying a class instance across EcoSpace instances. Kind of like a string version of a pointer to an object. Obtained from: Index of the class in TypeSystem.AllClasses + "!" + the ECO_ID of the instance. Life span: Although the ECO_ID never changes the class index might when you add or remove classes within the model. I just want to point out that ExternalID and ECO_TYPE are unrelated. When you change your model it does not mean that the ECO_TYPE in your DB must change. Here is an example 01: You create a model with 2 classes in it. The first class is the root, the next is a

Why I don't use ExternalID for URLs

An External ID consists of two parts, ! ClassID isn't really required for ECO controlled DB structures because there is always a root table containing the ObjectID + ClassID, but when you use ECO to map to an existing DB structure there needs to be a way to know that object 1234 needs to be fetched from the PERSON table. So, now that we know why the ExternalID consists of two parts on to why I don't use it (much). If I am writing a website with ECO and I use the ExternalID for my URL like so!1234 The number 23 is determined by looking for the class's index in the list of all classes in the model. This is the problem! If you change your model by adding a new class then your index may change from 23 to 24. Not a big problem for your application, but persistent links to that URL from other sites such as Google will no longer work. An ExternalID is just like an object's pointer address. When you restart your application that addre

RSA signed streams

I'm writing an app that needs me to be able to write to a file and make sure that nobody changes it. The idea that I had was to create 2 classes: WritableSignedStream: Accepts a targetStream parameter + a privateKeyXml string. I add some space at the beginning of the target stream to reserve it for header info. You then write to the stream as normal (it reports a smaller Length than that of the target stream so your app is unaware of the header). When you close the stream it writes the public key to the stream + an RSA encrypted hash of the data part of the file. ReadableSignedStream: Accepts a sourceStream parameter in the constructor. Just before you read for the first time it will compute an MD5 hash of the data part of the file, and then compare it with the signed hash in the file (which I first decrypt using the stored public key). These classes therefore provide two functions: You can sign a stream, the app can check the stream was signed by you by inspecting the public key w

No symbols loaded

This has been driving me mad for hours now! Whenever I run my PocketPC compact framework app I cannot debug it! None of the breakpoints will stop, each breakpoint just shows as an empty circle instead of a solid one. So, what was the solution? I tried deleting all PDB files on my hard disk but that didn't do it. In the end manually deleting all of the files previously deployed to my PPC did the trick. Maybe VS couldn't overwrite them or something? No idea, but at least it works now :-)

Geek quotes

This one is probably my favourite: "There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't". Here is one I came up with myself some years ago and used to use in my newsgroup signature: "Blessed are the geek, for they shall public class GeekEarth : Earth".

Derived properties that you don't want cached

I'm rewriting a Win32 application using ECO. One of the things this application allows the user to do is to specify their preferred unit of measurement for height, distance, depth, weight, and speed. To achieve this I have an ECO class ApplicationSettings which is a singleton which identifies the units to use. I then have 2 properties for each value.... InternalLandingDistance DisplayLandingDistance The idea is that I should never expose Internal* properties in the GUI but display their corresponding Display* property instead. The Display* property will read/write the Internal* property and perform some kind of conversion on it. If I always store my values using the unit with the highest accuracy (Distance = feet, Depth = millimetres, Weight = Pounds, Speed = KPH) then I just need to convert them by the correct factor when reading/writing from the Display* properties. This isn't rocket science, obviously I can just implement these as reverse derived attributes right? The pr

Mr thicko thicky thickpants

Well, I feel stupid. Worse than that, I generally feel very thick. Especially yesterday! So, what happened yesterday? I went to Bletchley Park . What a brilliant place! Walking around what was for approximately 50 years one of the biggest secrets of WWII was really quite strange. The stuff these people did was simply amazing! One guy managed to figure out the inner workings of a machine none of them had ever seen just by looking at two *almost* identical messages enciphered using the same machine configuration. The second message was 5 characters shorter than the first because the operator repeated the message but decided to abbreviate some of the words to save some time. This was all they needed. Not only was the functionality of the machine divined but what seems to be the world's first (semi) programmable computer was then designed + built to decipher messages received by wireless and then transcribed to punch holes. This thing has a optical reader that works at 5,

RetrieveChanges(out ignoredChanges)

Here's another quick blog about a new ECO IV feature. I asked for this during development because I had a particular problem I had to solve. My new application has a class named "PlannedCall". When the user logs in they see a list of planned calls that are A: Active B: Not already actioned C: Assigned to the current user, or not assigned to anyone D: EarliestCallTime <= Today + 1 As time goes on there will be a lot of instances of this class in my DB, so obviously I want to use the OclPSHandle to select my objects otherwise I will end up with a whole load of objects in memory that I do not need. However, when another user actions the planned call the Actioned property becomes true. If I use an ExpressionHandle then this planned call would disappear from the presented list, but with OclPSHandle it will not. This is where the new feature comes in! When you call PersistenceService.RetrieveChanges a collection of DBChange will be sent to the client from the server. T


CodeGear are letting some people blog about features in the next release of Delphi (Highlander) before it has even been released. How cool is that? A lot less secrecy, what a great move! Sooooo. How about I spill some beans about ECO IV? Maybe I can find a thing or two to mention :-) I'll just throw together something unplanned, so expect a weird mixture of stuff in no logical order whatsoever! Well, first of all , you're going to get a whole load of source code. I mean *lots* of it! There's a new service called the ICacheContentService . Let's say you know for a fact that there is an object in the DB with the ECO_ID 1234 and it is a Customer. Instead of loading that object into the cache with an OclPS evaluation you can simply use this service to register it in the cache. I've found this really useful in an app I am writing where I use SQL to find customers matching a certain sales criteria. I then create an IObjectList of these customers by injecting the

More secure passwords

Storing a plain-text password in a DB leaves your system open to abuse from anybody with access to the tables (sys admin for example). Here is the technique I recently used. Instead of storing the password itself I store a hash of the password, and a random "salt" that was used to create the hash to make it less predictable. [UmlTaggedValue("Eco.Length", "255")] private string PasswordHash { get { ... } set { ... } } [UmlTaggedValue("Eco.AllowNULL", "True")] [UmlTaggedValue("Eco.Length", "40")] private string PasswordSalt { get { ... } set { ... } } As you can see I do not store the password, just a hash + salt, both of which are private. Here are the methods used to set the values of these properties. public void SetPassword(string newPassword) { if (newPassword == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("password"); if (newPassword.Length < 6) throw new

Printing bitmaps using CPCL

I've had no end of grief trying to print a PCX to a Zebra Printer using the CPCL printer language. Silly me, didn't notice the EG command (expanded graphics) so there was no need to convert my BMP to a PCX and then struggle with binary data. I still had a bit of grief working out how to print using the EG command because the documentation is quite frankly crap. The expected command format is EG {WidthInBytes} {HeightInPixels} {XPos} {YPos} {Data}\r\n The printer expects a 1 bit pixel matrix. So if pixel(0, 0) is set you will set "80" in the data. If pixel(0, 0) is set and pixel (7, 0) is also set you would sent "81". Basically what you need to do is to read each set of 8 horizontal pixels and then use bit operations to create a byte value 0..255, and then output this as hex 00..FF. Here's the routine :-) public void DrawBitmap(Bitmap bmp, int xPosition, int yPosition) { if (bmp == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bmp");

The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)

This new compile error was driving me mad! My project used to work, then I upgraded to a newer version of ECO. There were 3 projects using an EcoSpace, 2 would compile but not the 3rd. In the end the solution was simple but annoying to track down so I thought I'd mention it here just in case anyone ever strolls across it and finds it useful. In my licenses.licx files for the 2 projects I had the line Eco.Handles.DefaultEcoSpace, Eco.Handles but in the project that was failing somehow a strong name had been used, even though I originally entered it manually! Changing it back to the weak name fixed the problem.

Source control

At work we use SourceSafe for our version control, and I used SourceAnyWhere as the client. I would like to outline the facts and let you decide what happened for yourself. 01: I checked out my model (EcoModeler) 02: I added a new class. 03: Generated code. 04: Checked in the mode. 05: Checked out. 06: Added two new associations 07: Generated code. 08: Checked in. 09: Checked out. 10: Added a parameter to a method. 11: Changes a state machine diagram. 12: Checked in. After each of the changes I would implement code in my application that used them, so if the changes were lost at any point during this process then I would notice because my app would no longer compile. Today I checked out the model and noticed that my new class was missing. I backed up my generated source code and then regenerated code from the model. Using BeyondCompare I checked for differences and came up with the list of changes in the steps above. Somehow the model in my source control had 3 revisions missing. I

UndoBlocks, SyncServer, and multiple EcoSpaces

In an ECO app I am writing it is very important that updates by other users are identified as soon as possible. This is because there will be multiple users all selecting jobs to do from a predefined list, and it is not only possible but also very likely that more than one user will select the same job at the same time (the job at the top of the list). To implement this I chose to use the remote persistence feature of ECO and in particular its Sync Server feature. Every 5 seconds my client apps will contact the server and retrieve a list of updates made by other users, it will then apply those updates to the cache of its own EcoSpace. So when a user selects a job to do at the top of the list their app will stamp it as InProgress and update the DB, the job will then automatically disappear from the screens of all other users. As I like to use undo blocks in my app to allow the user to cancel changes (using my DirtyObjectCatcher component) it is highly likely that during these synchro

CapableObjects announced

There are exciting times ahead! The team that brought you ECO for Delphi are now a separate company named Capable Objects ( ). ECO will still be part of the next release of Delphi, but according to the official statement (> ) and comments in the newsgroups it is quite obvious there will also be a version of ECO for Visual Studio! In the past the ECO guys released patches for ECO bugs, unfortunately it was not always possible to provide a patch. With the guys now being a separate company they are free to decide their own release schedules. Instead of having to wait for a Delphi update they can now release updates as often as they wish. Just like the good old BoldSoft days when we used to get an official update really quickly if ever a critical bug was found. Not only that, but it would also seem that they will be shipping source code too! But that's not all John! The guys at Capable Objects have asked me to wr

I've changed my mind on MonoRail

It is amazing! I'll leave that previous post just in case anyone ever needs to create an ECO object instance first and then connect it with an EcoSpace afterwards, but you don't need it for MonoRail! public void Join([EcoDataBind("User")]User user) { PropertyBag["User"] = user; if (this.Params["User.FirstName"] != null) { GetErrors(user.AsIObject(), Errors); if (Context.Params["ConfirmEmailAddress"] != user.EmailAddress) Errors.Add("Email address confirmation does not match email address."); if (Errors.Count == 0) { //TODO EcoSpace.UpdateDatabase(); Redirect("Account", "Home"); }//No errors } } That's all there is to it now! I have created a small set of classes to enable ECO support in MonoRail. Instead of descending your controllers from SmartDispatcherController you will now descend from EcoSmartDispatcherController . This gives the following abi

MonoRails, loving it

So I didn't like Ruby on Rails much. More accurately I didn't like the Ruby language or ActiveRecord much, but the "Rails" part I really quite liked! So my investigation continues and I have found myself looking at MonoRails. MonoRails is what I would have as a child called "a rip off", but these days it is known as a "clone" :-) It's basically a .NET version of Rails, which obviously appeals to me because I liked the Model-View-Controller approach of Rails and I obviously like C#. MonoRails has its own version of ActiveRecord (which I shall be avoiding) and an interface into NHibernate too (which I haven't looked at in great depth, but it certainly doesn't look as powerful as ECO). So I have been trying to get MonoRails working with ECO instead. Considering I don't know MonoRails at all I am surprised at how quickly I managed to do what I wanted. Take the following controller method as an example, when the user visits localho