Single application instance
I needed my app to be a single-instance app. It was easy to implement, like so:
A problem arose though when my app started to need to receive command line arguments. How do you also pass those onto the original app? There is a class for this purpose named
"WindowsFormsApplicationBase", it's in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
01: Add a class to your project like so:
02: Add a method to your MainForm class like so:
03: Finally change your project source code like so:
bool mutexIsNew;
Mutex mutex = new Mutex(true, "SomeUniqueID", out mutexIsNew);
if (mutexIsNew)
Application.Run(new MainForm());
A problem arose though when my app started to need to receive command line arguments. How do you also pass those onto the original app? There is a class for this purpose named
"WindowsFormsApplicationBase", it's in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
01: Add a class to your project like so:
internal class SingleInstanceApplication : WindowsFormsApplicationBase
private MainForm MainFormInstance;
internal SingleInstanceApplication()
IsSingleInstance = true;
EnableVisualStyles = true;
MainFormInstance = new MainForm();
MainForm = MainFormInstance;
protected override bool OnStartup(StartupEventArgs eventArgs)
return base.OnStartup(eventArgs);
protected override void OnStartupNextInstance(StartupNextInstanceEventArgs eventArgs)
02: Add a method to your MainForm class like so:
internal void AcceptCommandArguments(IList args)
03: Finally change your project source code like so:
static void Main(string[] args)
SingleInstanceApplication singleInstanceApplication = new SingleInstanceApplication();