
Showing posts with the label MonoRail

Unit testing MonoRail controllers

I spent yesterday finishing off (mostly) my business model, then the end of yesterday + today writing test cases for those classes. Everything was going great, I found at least 3 errors in my code that I hadn’t realised was there and also realised there were a few more things I needed. Then it was time to start testing the controllers in my MonoRail site. What a disaster! Attempt 1: [Test] public void AdminOnly_Home() {   AdminController controller = new AdminController();   controller.Home();   Assert.IsTrue(Controller.Response.WasRedirected, "Should have been redirected"); } The problem with this was pretty obvious, Controller doesn’t have a Response etc set up. So along came attempt 2: [Test] public void AdminOnly_Home() {   AdminController controller = new AdminController();   PrepareController(controller);   controller.Home();   Assert.IsTrue(Controller.Response.WasRedirected, "Shoul...


I have a model like so Product 1----* ProductVersion ProductVersion 1----* ProductEdition ProductVersion can been in one of two states: UnderDevelopment / Released ProductEdition has a DownloadUrl:string attribute which is only required if self.version.status = #Released The validation for ProductEdition works perfectly, I cannot leave the DownloadUrl blank if the ProductVersion has already been released. Unfortunately when I already have a number of ProductEdition instances with no DownloadUrl and then make my Productversion live the editions are not validated because they are not dirty. So I needed some way to ensure that when ProductVersion is validated all related ProductEdition instances are also validated. Step 01: Add a way to allow ProductVersion to identify other objects to be validated. In the business classes project I added the following interface. public interface IValidationExtender {   IEnumerable GetConstraintedObjects(); } My ProductVersion can do this IEnu...


The whole idea of having a controller and a view is so that the view renders only exactly what it is given, and the controller is able to give it whatever data it likes from wherever it needs to obtain it. After working with ECO and Monorail for a while it has been a real pleasure, but I am starting to think that maybe exposing ECO objects directly to the view is not the right approach. If for example I put an Employee into the PropertyBag the view can easily display $Employee.Salary. This might not be a problem when you develop both the controllers and the view but in my case someone else will ultimately create the views. Do I really want them to be able to have access to this information? In addition, what if the view engine they use has a scripting language that is able to set values? Setting $Employee will merely set the PropertyBag["Employee"] value, but setting $Employee.Salary could see a certain view developer buying a new car next month. I am very tempted to chan...


Implementing HTML maxlength was a bit of a pain. Not to write the helpers though, that was easy.... $EcoModelHelper.AttributeLength($Product, "ID") But when it came to specifying that in the <input> it was too much work! This is how it is done statically... $FormHelper.TextFieldValue("Product.ID", $Product.ID, "%{maxlength='32'}") Now I had to replace the static 32 with the EcoModelHelper code. #set ($ProductIDLength = $EcoModelHelper.AttributeLength($Product, "ID")) $FormHelper.TextFieldValue("Product.ID", $Product.ID, "%{maxlength='$ProductIDLength'}") This was starting to look like too much typing! So instead I have decided to add new methods to the EcoFormHelper. Here is the first: $EcoFormHelper.ObjectTextField("Product.ID", $Product, "ID") This will output something like this <input type="text" id="Product_ID" name="Product.ID" value="Alt...

EcoRail validation

Here is yesterday's update. I wanted a way to validate the user input. Seeing as there are constraints in the model to me this was the obvious approach to take. The HTML in my main layout (MasterPage) was changed like so <body>   #if ($Errors && $Errors.Count > 0)     <ul class="errors">       #foreach ($currentError in $Errors)         <li>$currentError</li>       #end     </ul>   #end   $childContent </body> This outputs all errors passed in PropertyBag["Errors"] or in my case I used Flash["Errors"]. To validate my product input I changed my controller like so: [AllowEcoSpaceDeactivateDirty(true)] public void Modify([EcoDataBind("Product", Allow = "ID,Name", NoObjectIdAction = ObjectIdAction.CreateNewInstance)]Product product) {   PropertyBag["Product"] = product; ...

Changing the URL structure

I wanted the following URL structure in my website but the default url mapping in MonoRail would translate this as[controller]/[action]/[id] So it would expect to find this public class ProductController {   public void MyProductName(string id)   {   } } whereas what I actually want is public class ProductController {   public void WhatsNew(string productName)   {   } } Open Web.Config Locate the monorail node Locate the routing child node Now add a new <rule> to the top of the list: <rule> <pattern>/(product)/(\w+)/(\w+)</pattern> <replace><![CDATA[ /product/$3.rails?productName=$2]]></replace> </rule> As this is at the top of the list it will have the highest priority. If the URL matches /product it will remap the url From: To:


I'm working on a new website for work. I've decided to use ECO for the business model due to how much time it saves me. I took a look at the new MVC ASP approach provided by Microsoft recently and was a bit disappointed. There were bugs in some pretty basic errors that would have been an annoyance to code around, and it just didn't feel "ready". So, I've decided to take another look at MonoRail. I'd already written an ECO implementation for MR in the past but I decided to start the implementation from scratch. This was mainly inspired by the new EcoSpaceManager in ECOIV for ASP .NET. Using an EcoSpaceManager you can easily utilise many instances of different types of EcoSpace in the same page. I decided I would do the same. Unlike the EcoSpaceManager I haven't gone for unique string values for identifying the EcoSpace instance I want. That approach is good in ASP .NET where you want to bind different components together to generate your HTML bu...