Derived properties that you don't want cached

I'm rewriting a Win32 application using ECO. One of the things this application allows the user to do is to specify their preferred unit of measurement for height, distance, depth, weight, and speed.

To achieve this I have an ECO class ApplicationSettings which is a singleton which identifies the units to use. I then have 2 properties for each value....


The idea is that I should never expose Internal* properties in the GUI but display their corresponding Display* property instead. The Display* property will read/write the Internal* property and perform some kind of conversion on it.

If I always store my values using the unit with the highest accuracy (Distance = feet, Depth = millimetres, Weight = Pounds, Speed = KPH) then I just need to convert them by the correct factor when reading/writing from the Display* properties.

This isn't rocket science, obviously I can just implement these as reverse derived attributes right? The problem with this is that I am using a new EcoSpace per form, so if someone changes the ApplicationSettings.DistanceMeasurement in one EcoSpace my derived member has no way of knowing unless I want to put in synchronisation.

Well, my app can work stand-alone or on a network. I don't want to over complicate things, so what I decided I needed was a reverse derived property with no subscriptions + caching, but that just isn't possible.

Well, actually, it is. It's just so obvious! Instead of marking my members Derived I marked them as Transient and HasUserCode. I implement the code like so.....

public float DisplayLandingDistance
return ConvertDistanceToDisplay(InternalLandingDistance);
#if NeverDoThis
{EcoModeler generated code here}
InternalLandingDistance = ConvertDistanceToInternal(value);
#if NeverDoThis
{EcoModeler generated code here}

Now my values will be calculated every time they are read instead of being cached. The "#if NeverDoThis" bit is there so that EcoModeler will always put its auto-generated accessor code within a region that never executes. I could just put a "return" above it, but I don't like those "Unreachable code detected" warnings!


Jonas Hogstrom said…
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Jonas Hogstrom said…
Clever solution. Please enlighten me how it comes you don't always store the values using international standards? Yes, I know... you are getting there, inch by inch :-)
*Groan*! :-)

In Europe the standard is Distance=Metres and Height=Feet. In China I have a customer that is also measuring Height in Metres.

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