I'm working on a new website for work. I've decided to use ECO for the business model due to how much time it saves me. I took a look at the new MVC ASP approach provided by Microsoft recently and was a bit disappointed. There were bugs in some pretty basic errors that would have been an annoyance to code around, and it just didn't feel "ready". So, I've decided to take another look at MonoRail. I'd already written an ECO implementation for MR in the past but I decided to start the implementation from scratch. This was mainly inspired by the new EcoSpaceManager in ECOIV for ASP .NET. Using an EcoSpaceManager you can easily utilise many instances of different types of EcoSpace in the same page. I decided I would do the same. Unlike the EcoSpaceManager I haven't gone for unique string values for identifying the EcoSpace instance I want. That approach is good in ASP .NET where you want to bind different components together to generate your HTML bu...