RetrieveChanges(out ignoredChanges)
Here's another quick blog about a new ECO IV feature. I asked for this during development because I had a particular problem I had to solve. My new application has a class named "PlannedCall". When the user logs in they see a list of planned calls that are A: Active B: Not already actioned C: Assigned to the current user, or not assigned to anyone D: EarliestCallTime As time goes on there will be a lot of instances of this class in my DB, so obviously I want to use the OclPSHandle to select my objects otherwise I will end up with a whole load of objects in memory that I do not need. However, when another user actions the planned call the Actioned property becomes true. If I use an ExpressionHandle then this planned call would disappear from the presented list, but with OclPSHandle it will not. This is where the new feature comes in! When you call PersistenceService.RetrieveChanges a collection of DBChange will be sent to the client from the server. The EcoSpace will...