Computer music

You may already know that I used to own a Commodore 64, and (as is nearly everyone else who ever owned one) I am still very passionate about the music people used to produce on it.

The question "Which was your favourite Commodore 64 tune" is a very hard one to answer as there are so many good ones out there, and people tend to go for the same short list "Delta", "Sanxion", etc.

However, recently I was creating some ambient background music for a presentation video. It started off a bit like a Jarre tune, but as I started to add in the percussion (for which I used samples of car doors slamming) it started to remind me of a tune from an old C64 game; "Tetris".

After downloading it and listening to it endlessly over and over as I write code I have come to a conclusion; TETRIS is my favourite C64 tune! It is just so unique, and unlike many other C64 tunes it hasn't aged, and doesn't actually sound that much like a C64 tune at all! Whenever I listen to it I feel like I am in the former USSR, building something out of strangely shaped bricks :-)

There's a (large) Mp3 of the tune here if you are interested.

Well done Wally Beben, you have in my opinion created a classic, and I will undoubtedly continue to enjoy it for many years to come. Actually, I am going to do a remix of it too, I hope he wont mind :-)


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