Using Vista Aero theme in XP WPF apps

I found this article on the web recently which shows how to use the Vista Aero theme on XP in your WPF apps.

I found two things:
01: It is less complicated that the article states.
02: It is a bit different if you already have stuff in your app resources, such as styles or control templates etc.

So here are my steps
01: Add PresentationFramework.Aero to your applications References list. It is listed in the [.NET] tab.
02: Edit your App.xaml and change it from this

  <!-- Your stuff here -->

to this

    <!-- Put your stuff here instead -->

      <ResourceDictionary Source="/PresentationFramework.Aero;component/themes/aero.normalcolor.xaml"/>


Anonymous said…
Does this automatically make the background glassy? Like for example in those images:

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