
TypeScript - Get a Lambda expression as a string

One of the things I really like about C# is the ability to convert a lambda into a string. It's useful for doing all kinds of things, especially when you are calling a 3rd party library's method that expects a string identifying a member of an object. I saw this was lacking in TypeScript, which was a pain because I wanted to make various parts of my Angular application more compile-time resilient to changes in the server's API model. Using the following code it is possible to take a call like this someObject.doSomething<Person>(x => x.firstName) From there we can get the name of the property referenced in the lamba expression. In fact it will return the entire path after the "x." abstract class Expression { private static readonly pathExtractor = new RegExp('return (.*);'); public static path<T>(name: (t: T) => any) { const match = Expression.pathExtractor.exec(name + ''); if (match == null) { throw new

Angular - How to create composite controls that work with formGroup/formGroupName and ReactiveForms

This blog post will show you how to create composite controls in AngularX that allow you to reuse them across your application using the formGroupName directive to data-bind them. We'll start off with a very basic component that uses a reactive form to edit a person and their address. Editing a person's name and address import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {FormBuilder, FormGroup} from '@angular/forms'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', template: './app.component.html', }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit { public form: FormGroup; constructor(private formBuilder: FormBuilder) {} ngOnInit(): void { this.form ={ name: 'Person\'s name', address_line1: 'Address line 1', address_line2: 'Address line 2', }); } } <form novalidate [formGroup]="form"> <div> Name <input formControlName="nam

Redux sub-reducer pattern for complex / nested data structures

I love the idea of the Redux pattern, the way all reducers are pure and predictable. I love the way they are effectively listeners that act on event notifications received from a central dispatcher, and I really like the way the whole approach simplifies the application and makes code in my Angular app's components only concerned with view related concerns rather than business logic. However, what I am not a big fan of is the normalised data approach. I've seen it recommended so many times for use with the Redux approach. You essentially have any object (read "row from table on server") in memory once and then everywhere else you hold a reference to the locally stored record/object by its unique ID. So, a view state you receive that looks like this [ { "id": "Emp1024", "name": "Peter Morris", "address": { "id": "123", "street": "xxx" } }, { "id": "Emp4096&qu

Loading an assembly from a specific path, including all sub dependencies

public static class AssemblyLoader { private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool> AssemblyDirectories = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, bool>(); static AssemblyLoader() { AssemblyDirectories[GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory()] = true; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += ResolveAssembly; } public static Assembly LoadWithDependencies(string assemblyPath) { AssemblyDirectories[Path.GetDirectoryName(assemblyPath)] = true; return Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath); } private static Assembly ResolveAssembly(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { string dependentAssemblyName = args.Name.Split(’,’)[0] + ".dll"; List<string> directoriesToScan = AssemblyDirectories.Keys.ToList(); foreach (string directoryToScan in directoriesToScan) { string dependentAssemb

Running dotnet core xUnit tests on Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS)

1: Run dotnet restore to restore package dependencies. 2: Run dotnet build to build the binaries. 3: Run dotnet test to run the tests. Note the additional parameters --no-build to prevent a rebuild and --logger "trx;LogFileName=tests-log.trx " to ensure the test results are written to disk, 5: Use  a Publish Test Results tasks to output the results of the tests. Make sure you set the following properties Test Result Format = VSTest Test Results Files = **/tests-log.trx And under the Advanced section make sure you set the Run This Task option so that it will run even if the previous task failed.

Get list of object keys in Angular

import { PipeTransform, Pipe } from "@angular/core"; @Pipe({ name: 'keys' }) export class KeysPipe implements PipeTransform {   transform(value, args:string[]) : any {     return Object.keys(value);   } } Then to get a list of errors for a form element you can do this <ul *ngIf="form.get('userName').invalid" class="help-block with-errors">    <li *ngFor="let error of form.get('userName').errors | keys">{{ error.key }}</li> </ul>

Preventing Unity3D IL2CPP from stripping your code

I was trying to get a list of a type's constructors at runtime using reflection, so that I could create an instance of the class using dependency injection. All worked just fine until we tried to build the app for iOS. At first we were using Mono as the scripting back-end, but it seems that new versions of iOS pop up a dialog telling the user the app is 32 bit and may run slowly (i.e. "Your app is crap"). When switching the backend scripting to IL2CPP (in File->Builder->Player Settings) the app suddenly wasn't working. It turns out that SomeType.GetConstructors().Count was returning zero, which was a problem because obviously I wanted to invoke those constructors with dependencies. The problem was that because these constructors weren't being calling explicitly from anywhere in my app IL2CPP decided I didn't need them, and stripped them out. The solution is to create a file in your Assets folder called link.xml and fill it in like so.... <lin