
Preventing Unity3D IL2CPP from stripping your code

I was trying to get a list of a type's constructors at runtime using reflection, so that I could create an instance of the class using dependency injection. All worked just fine until we tried to build the app for iOS. At first we were using Mono as the scripting back-end, but it seems that new versions of iOS pop up a dialog telling the user the app is 32 bit and may run slowly (i.e. "Your app is crap"). When switching the backend scripting to IL2CPP (in File->Builder->Player Settings) the app suddenly wasn't working. It turns out that SomeType.GetConstructors().Count was returning zero, which was a problem because obviously I wanted to invoke those constructors with dependencies. The problem was that because these constructors weren't being calling explicitly from anywhere in my app IL2CPP decided I didn't need them, and stripped them out. The solution is to create a file in your Assets folder called link.xml and fill it in like so.... <lin...

Forcing a device-orientation per scene in Unity3D

Unity3D has a Screen class with an orientation property that allows you to force orientation in code, which lets you have different scenes with different orientations (useful in mini-games). this works fine for Android but crashes on iOS. The problem is the file that gets generated during the build for iOS has an assert in it which inadvertently prevents this property from being used. It is possible to create a post-build class that runs after the iOS build files have been generated that can alter the generated code before you compile it in XCode. Just create a C# script named iOSScreenOrientationFix.cs and paste in the following code - adapted from  this Unity3D forum post . using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; using System.IO; namespace Holovis { public class iOSScreenOrientationFix : MonoBehaviour { #if UNITY_CLOUD_BUILD // This method is added in the Advanced Features Settings on UCB // PostBuild...

A UI thread dispatcher for Unity3D

I've recently been working on implementing an IHttpService that can work outside of a MonoBehaviour and call out to web services asynchronously. Rather than providing my IHttpService.JsonPost method with callbacks I decided to have it return a Promise, the code for which I took from this  Real Serious Games  GitHub repository. The problem is that when you use WebClient's async methods they call back the Complete events on the worker thread, so code like this won't work because you cannot manipulate UI from any thread other than the main one. httpService.JsonPost<MyInfo>(url)   .Then(myInfo => someTextUiObject.text = myInfo.Name); And there seems to be no kind of thread Dispatcher in Unity3D for UI updates as there is in Windows.Forms - so I wrote my own. using System.Collections; using System; using System.Threading; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class UiThreadDispatcher : Singleton<MonoBehaviour> {     st...

NodeJS, Web-Express, and TypeScript from scratch

Over the past year I've been spending my time contracting for a company in Norway. Now that project is completed it is time for me to start playing again, so I thought I'd pick up an old Node Express project. This time I intend to use TypeScript instead of Javascript. I'd also like to write unit tests and dependency injection - both are something I'm very familiar with in the C# world, but not in Node. I'm going to use this blog to record what I did; I will undoubtedly revisit some of these posts and make changes as I learn. In this first blog I intend to cover how to get up and running with Node, Express, and WebStorm (optional) from a fresh installation of Ubuntu Linux. The first thing we need to do is use apt-get to install Node. sudo apt-get install nodejs I've noticed that some Linux apps will look for a command "node" and others will look for "nodejs", so after installing I want to make an alias so that both commands...

[Solved] MVCApplication Parser Error

I have this problem because I have to develop with VS running as administrator in order to use Local IIS hosting. When files are added (or generated by compiling) I think VS was setting the owner as Administrator, which IIS then cannot read. Start a command prompt as Administrator and type in the following icacls c : \devpath\yourwebsite / grant everyone :( OI )( CI ) F / T

How to Create a Self Signed Certificate in IIS 7

I know I am going to want this link again in the future!

VSTO Office plugin not appearing in Office 2007

If you have an office VSTO plugin that is working in other versions of Office but not appearing in Office 2007 then try setting the following registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\General\ Name = EnableLocalMachineVSTO Value (DWORD) = 1