
AngularJs - binding HTML

The directive ng-bind will escape HTML to avoid data acting maliciously. If you want to output html you need to use ng-bind-html <div ng-bind-html="someHtmlBody"/> The important step to getting this working is to ensure the script angular-sanitize.js is referenced on your page, and it is specified as a dependency when creating a module.... var app = angular.module("MyApp", ["ngSanitize", "OtherDependencies"]);

AngularJS routes with ASP MVC Forms authentication

The ASP MVC app I am working on uses forms authentication with a timeout. This means that when the session has timed out and the user clicks refresh they get redirected to a login page, and after that they get directed back to the original page without the deep-linked client-side # part of the url.  The solution to this is as follows: The first thing to do is to have the ASP MVC server side capture any URLs that should related to your client-side angular routing and return the single-page app HTML. When registering your ASP MVC routes add the following rule routes . MapRoute ( name : "Angular" , url : "x/{*clientPath}" , Where the "x/" is the base part of your client app, of course you can do without the "x" in the URL if your entire app is a single-page angular app, in which case you will need to add a preceding rule to render your ASP MVC server side account-login page. Then in your Angular app make...

Node.js Express, form validation, and keeping previously posted form values

I've been playing with Node.js and the Express webserver framework as a learning experience, it's good fun :) In the C# ASP MVC world using the Razor view engine I can define my user interface elements like this... @Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.EmailAddress) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.EmailAddress) This will do three things It will create the html output for an input element If the view is being rendered as a result of a POST it will set the value of the input to the value posted.  This is useful for when you have a form validation error and don't want to have to force the user to re-enter all of their input. If there is an error message registered for EmailAddress it will display the error text *Note that error messages are registered using ModelState.AddModelError("EmailAddress", "The error message") Node.js, Express, and Jade Express is a very light weight framework so doesn't do any of this stuff for you, so I had to h...

AngularJS - Triggering code whenever ng-view updates

//Create the module var app = angular.module('someapp', ['ngRoute']); //Config the routes app.config(configRoutes); function configRoutes($routeProvider) { $routeProvider .when('/', { templateUrl: '/angular/viewtemplates/admin/index.html', controller: 'AdminController' }) .when('/categories', { templateUrl: 'angular/viewtemplates/admin/categories/index.html', controller: 'CategoryIndexController' }) } //Make sure we are notified whenever the ng-view is updated$rootScope) { $rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() { $('table[data-toggle="table"]').bootstrapTable(); }); });

Windows welcome screen slow

After I log in to Windows 7 the welcome screen stays on for ages, in the past it was almost instant.  I’ve tried various suggestions from forums and none of them worked, then it struck me what it was! Windows was trying to reconnect network drives after I had logged in, but one of them (a connection to my iMac) was unobtainable because my iMac was off.  I disconnected the mapped network drives and speed is back to normal

Installing Ruby on Rails, RubyMine and MongoDB on Ubuntu Linux

Here are some really basic instructions which should work on a virgin installation of Ubuntu Linux.  I tried following some instructions in a book but they were awful, these are what I ended up with. Install some installation helper tools etc sudo apt-get install build-essential git-core sudo apt-get install curl bash -s stable < <(curl -s echo '[[ -s "/home/x/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/home/x/.rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Install JavaScript interpreter sudo apt-get install nodejs Install MongoDB server and clients sudo apt-get install mongodb-server sudo apt-get install mongodb-clients Install Rails sudo apt-get install rails Install Ruby 1.9.3 and set it as the default version to use rvm install 1.9.3 rvm use --default 1.9.3 Install Gems required by Ruby ge...

Decorating Unity extension

First I want to give credit where it is due, the code in this post is based largely on the code I found in this post by Jim Chrisopher. The original code required me to register my decorators before registering the type I wanted to decorate.  I didn't like this because I prefer to register all the low-level services from within their own assemblies and then have the app (website etc) decorate those types at a higher level.  So I changed the code in the following ways It now uses the UnityContainer.Configure<> method to decorate types. The decorators may be registered before or after the registered type, or both, it doesn't matter. It is possible to register both generic and non-generic types, and both will be used if applicable (e.g. ICommand<> and ICommand<string> would apply to Command<string> but only ICommand<> would apply to Command<int>.) It works with child containers. It uses the context.NewBuild method instead of requiring a...